Let us try to give a simple introduction and explanation about linear transformations. Let us not scare the readers with hi-fi terms like ‘vector spaces’ ‘matrices’ and symbols like ‘e’ ‘Rn’ etc. Yes, let us involve those at a higher level after getting acquainted with what basically a linear-transformation means.
In a data different scores, that is, items described by numbers are exhibited. There is a possibility to express the items of the data in the form of a pattern. If such a pattern is in the linear form that the transformation of the data set to a pattern is called as linear transformation. It may be noted that such a transformation can be fairly accurate for a limited interval meaning limited number of items in the data set.
This type of transformation is obviously results as a linear function in the form a + bx (similar to mx + b in analytical geometry). Since linear functions are always ‘one to one’, this type of transformation is also referred as one to one linear transformation. Recording the scores of student in a class can be cited as one of the linear transformation examples.
Let us discuss about the basic concept of this type of transformation. Suppose Xi represents the item in general, of the given data, and if X’I is the same after the transformation of the data, then the linear relation is X’ = a + b Xi, where a and b are constants for the particular transformation. The letter a is called additive component and b is the multiplicative component of transformation.
These are analogous to y-intercept and slope of linear algebraic functions. One must know what should be mean and standard deviation of the transformed data and accordingly the values of constants a and b are determined. Because the condition of a linear-transformation is X’m = a + b Xm and X’s = b Xs, where the subscripts m and s refer the respective mean and standard deviation.
Let us illustrate a linear transformation example. Suppose a data is describes the scores as 13, 16, 21, 21, 24. This has to be linearly transformed with a mean of 95 and standard deviation of 15. What is the formula of transformation?
The mean and the standard deviation of the given data are Xm = 19 and Xs = 4.42, rounded to nearest hundredth. The set of desired figures in the transformation is X’m = 95 and X’s = 15. Since, X’s = b Xs,
b = 3.39 and a = 95 - 3.39*19 = 30.59, rounded to two decimal place.
Thus the transform relation is X’ = 30.59 + 3.39X.