Set Operations: - The collection of the distinct objects is called the sets. For example the number 5, 7 and 11 are the distinct object when they are considered separately. Collectively they can form a set which can be written as [5, 7, 11]. The most fundamental concept of the mathematics is the sets. The objects which are used to make the sets are called the elements. The elements of the sets may be anything, the letters of the alphabet, people or number. The set are denoted by the capital letters. The two sets are equal when they have equal elements. The set can be represented by two methods, roster or tabular form and the sets builder form. In the roster form the elements are separated by commas. For example a sets of positive and odd integers less than or equal to seven is represented by {1, 3, 5, 7}.
The set of all the vowels of the alphabet is {a, e, I, o, and u}. The sets of the even numbers are {2, 4, 6,}. The dots indicate that the positive even integers are going to infinite. While writing the set in the roster form the element must be distinct. For example the set of all the letters in the word “SCHOOL” is {s, c, h, o, and l}. In the set builder form all the elements of the sets have the common property which is not possessed by any element which is outside of the set. For example vowels have the same property and can be written as {a, e, I, o, and u}. The set in the set builder form can be written as V = {x; x is a vowel in the English alphabet}. A = {x; x is the natural number and 5 < x < 11}. C = {z; z is an odd natural number}.
Operations on Sets: - Like the mathematical operations, there are number of operations which are carried out by the sets. We will study them one by one. Union of sets is the union of the all the elements of a set and all the elements of the other taking one element only once. Let A = {2, 3, 4, 5} and B = (4, 5, 6}. Therefore the union of the two sets is written as A ∪B = {2, 3, 4, 5, and 6}. Intersection of two sets A and B is the set of all elements which are common in both the sets. If the intersections of the two sets are equal to null then the set is called the disjoint set.
The difference of sets A and B can be defined as the A – B. It is equal to the elements which belong to set a and the element which does not belong to the set B. The operation on the sets such as union and intersection satisfy the various laws of the algebra such as the associative laws, the commutative laws, idempotent laws, identity laws, distributive laws, De Morgan’s laws, complement laws and involution law. These all the laws can be verified by the Venn diagram.
The set of all the vowels of the alphabet is {a, e, I, o, and u}. The sets of the even numbers are {2, 4, 6,}. The dots indicate that the positive even integers are going to infinite. While writing the set in the roster form the element must be distinct. For example the set of all the letters in the word “SCHOOL” is {s, c, h, o, and l}. In the set builder form all the elements of the sets have the common property which is not possessed by any element which is outside of the set. For example vowels have the same property and can be written as {a, e, I, o, and u}. The set in the set builder form can be written as V = {x; x is a vowel in the English alphabet}. A = {x; x is the natural number and 5 < x < 11}. C = {z; z is an odd natural number}.
Operations on Sets: - Like the mathematical operations, there are number of operations which are carried out by the sets. We will study them one by one. Union of sets is the union of the all the elements of a set and all the elements of the other taking one element only once. Let A = {2, 3, 4, 5} and B = (4, 5, 6}. Therefore the union of the two sets is written as A ∪B = {2, 3, 4, 5, and 6}. Intersection of two sets A and B is the set of all elements which are common in both the sets. If the intersections of the two sets are equal to null then the set is called the disjoint set.
The difference of sets A and B can be defined as the A – B. It is equal to the elements which belong to set a and the element which does not belong to the set B. The operation on the sets such as union and intersection satisfy the various laws of the algebra such as the associative laws, the commutative laws, idempotent laws, identity laws, distributive laws, De Morgan’s laws, complement laws and involution law. These all the laws can be verified by the Venn diagram.