As a parent, student or adult, it is common to feel
difficulty with math. Many students have some common questions in their mind
like why
math is important in our life, why do we have to learn math, how to survive
with math and so on. Below you can find the answers to all the questions. Go
through this article and find 10 magical ways which will help you to learn the
art to survive with math.
1) Master basics:
Master all the basics of math, is the main key to
survive with math. Math builds itself. It is a subject which required knowledge
of previous basics to solve any problem.
2) Figure out the real world use:
Figure out why you are doing math, how it will help you with other subjects. Find the real world use of math. This will increase your interest in math.
3) Use many resources:
It happens many times you just follow your teacher’s notes and instructions. Use various resources like math live help, online math questions help, similar books, calculators and so on. These recourses will help you to gain knowledge.
4) Practice:
One of the best magical ways to survive with math is practice. Practice makes you perfect. Practice exercises and use resources to help you with your homework.
5) Minimize the mistakes:
Practice in such a way so that can minimize your small mistakes. Use rechecking methods to minimize the careless mistakes.
6) Learn using fun activities:
Include fun activities in your math learning. Once you get the feeling that “math is fun”, surviving with math will become very easy.
7) Understand the math:
Many students use to memorize the math. Understand math concepts instead of memorizing. Use new resources to understand the concepts and rules. Math is like a foreign language which you cannot memorize and learn.
8) Plan
Planning is very necessary in math study. Once you understand the problem. Plan the problem solving strategy. To solve one problem there may be many strategies.
9) Make goals:
Make goals for yourself. Suppose you are not good at algebra make a goal and start working on it. This will motivate you to become master at your weak fields.
10) Review:
The best thing to survive with math is reviewing the basics time to time. More often you can use the internet for more information when you review any chapter.
These magic tricks are helpful for all grades
students. Hope this will help you.