
Monday, July 7, 2014

10 Magical Tricks to Survive With Math

As a parent, student or adult, it is common to feel difficulty with math. Many students have some common questions in their mind like why math is important in our life, why do we have to learn math, how to survive with math and so on. Below you can find the answers to all the questions. Go through this article and find 10 magical ways which will help you to learn the art to survive with math.

1) Master basics:

Master all the basics of math, is the main key to survive with math. Math builds itself. It is a subject which required knowledge of previous basics to solve any problem.

2) Figure out the real world use:        

Figure out why you are doing math, how it will help you with other subjects. Find the real world use of math. This will increase your interest in math.   

3) Use many resources:

It happens many times you just follow your teacher’s notes and instructions. Use various resources like math live help, online math questions help, similar books, calculators and so on. These recourses will help you to gain knowledge.

4) Practice:

One of the best magical ways to survive with math is practice. Practice makes you perfect. Practice exercises and use resources to help you with your homework.

5) Minimize the mistakes:   

Practice in such a way so that can minimize your small mistakes. Use rechecking methods to minimize the careless mistakes.

6) Learn using fun activities:

Include fun activities in your math learning. Once you get the feeling that “math is fun”, surviving with math will become very easy.

7) Understand the math:    

Many students use to memorize the math. Understand math concepts instead of memorizing. Use new resources to understand the concepts and rules. Math is like a foreign language which you cannot memorize and learn.

8) Plan

Planning is very necessary in math study. Once you understand the problem. Plan the problem solving strategy. To solve one problem there may be many strategies.

9) Make goals:

Make goals for yourself. Suppose you are not good at algebra make a goal and start working on it. This will motivate you to become master at your weak fields.

10) Review:

The best thing to survive with math is reviewing the basics time to time. More often you can use the internet for more information when you review any chapter.
These magic tricks are helpful for all grades students. Hope this will help you.

Monday, June 30, 2014

5 Steps To Improve Math Grades

Students are worried about their math grades. Improving math grades has become an impossible task for many students and parents. The main key to get success in math is making a high aim and prepare according to that.  Only students cannot help themselves, parents should also provide proper math assignment help and support.  

There are 5 simple steps which definitely help students to improve their grades in math,

1) Show dedication in your class work and homework. Take dedicated notes and listen to your teacher in class carefully.

2) Do not just aim for low grades.  Aim high and start preparation according to that.

3) Do not miss any opportunity to explain concepts to others. This will help you to raise confidence.

4) Practice is the main key to improve math grades. Practice as many as problem you can. Pay more attention on example problems.

5) Rework for hard problems and concepts. Be a master of all math basics.

Hope these steps will help students to improve their math grades.
Sometimes students need extra help like a one-on-one instructor. Hire a tutor, but make sure the math tutor should be incorporating the above teaching strategies.

Some important tips to improve math grades:

1) Behavior modification can help you. A positive attitude helps you to learn many skills. Improve learning ability.

2) Ask double from your tutor as soon as possible.

3) Complete assignments and homework daily.  

4) Do not study when you are tired. This will increase stress.

5) Use new study technique in your study.

6) Don’t memorize the concepts try to understand them. 

7) Be accurate while doing homework and practice.

8) Follow step by step solution method.

These basic tips can help you to improve math grades in a simple way.         

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

4 Ways to Find the Range of the Function

Are you struggling in math since you don’t know how to find the range of the function? Finding range is very confusing for you? The range of the function is the set of numbers that the function f(x) provides. In other words the set of y-values, which you get by applying all possible value of x in the function. Following article will give you 4 ways to find the range of the function.

1) Find the range in graph

• First, find the minimum y-coordinate of the function.

• Find the maximum y-coordinate of the function.

• State the range.

• Suppose range lowest point is -2 but goes upward infinity, then the range of the function is f(x)≥ -2.

• Suppose range highest point is 15 but goes downward infinity, then the range of the function is f(x)≤ 15.

2) Find the range by equation

• Let you have an equation f(x)=5x^2+8x-9. To find the range of the equation just put x value and get the y-coordinate.

• Repeat the process for few other points in the function.

• Find the lowest and highest point of the function.

• Then state the range of the function.

3) Find the range in relation

• Suppose you have a relation {(-2,-4),(4,7),(3,3),(6,4),(2,3)}

• First write the x-coordinate of the ration and the y-coordinate of the relation
x-coordinate ={-2,4,3,6,2}
y-coordinate ={-4,7,3,4,3}

• If in y coordinate any number is two times, then take that number only one time.
Y-coordinate = {-4,7,3,4}

• State the range of the function. Here the range is {-4,3,4,7}

4) Find the range in a word problem

• If you need to find the range in a word problem, then first read the problem carefully.

• Write the problem into a function.

• Then determine the range of the function. To find the range of the function first find the domain of the function for all possible value then find the range.

Important tips:

• Finding the range of the function in relation keep in mind when you write the x-coordinate then y coordinate has to same what you got after putting the same x value. For example x-coordinate are 3 and 5,corresponding y-coordinate are 6 and 10, then write {(3,6),(5,10)} not {(3,10),(6,5)}.

• Many websites and Algebra help online provide the step by step solution.

• For more about range find here.     

• Ask for help from your Online Math Tutor

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Is Math Really Important?

What is mathematics all about? Why do we all have to study mathematics? These all are the common questions in student's mind. Many kids ask their parents and teachers, is math really important? The answer is, mathematics is all about logic, it is useful and important, it is important because the whole world depends on mathematics. Basic concepts of mathematics are crucial in our life. We all cannot imagine life without mathematics. Many students wonder how would geometry help or trig help them in life. In school and college, we don't even realize how important mathematics is in our life. This article will help you to understand the importance of mathematics.

Math teaches logic:

Math teaches logic and order which are important in life. We all need to make a decision at some points in each field. From home to office everywhere we make decisions by using our logic. Correct logical thinking makes your life better. Math helps us to develop logical thinking.

Math is essential to study other subjects:

It may sound odd, but if you want to become a master of other subjects, then you need to understand some basics of mathematics. For example, study computer at the college level you need to know at-least the basics of mathematics. Likewise other subject’s also depends on mathematics at some points.

Math needs for counting:

From morning to evening we all use counting to see the time, distance from home to school, measure the ingredient for any dish, when you buy something you need to count the money, to decorate your home and so on. Without even realizing we use mathematical concepts every day.

Math teaches life skills:

It is hard to live a life without using the basics of mathematics. Math teaches numbers and money counting in the early age and in later age. We use these numbers and counting to calculate the percentages, solve the problems and so on. We use these math basic life times.  

Math makes everything easy:

It is impossible to believe, but math makes everything seem relatively easy. Math concepts are used in sports so if you are good at math it will be easy you to understand the basic of any game quickly and easily.

The conclusion is math is really important in every field.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

10 Helpful Hints For Taking Math Tests

Many students use the same way to study math as they study for history or any other subject for exam. Students memorize the formula and equations in the same way as they would memorize other subject facts and dates. But math is the subjects which you cannot memorize. This article will help you to study for the math exam in the right way. 

Find below 10 important hints for preparing math test,

1)  Begin Preparation early so that you get enough time for preparation. Pay attention during class hour.  
2) Collect all the information about exam material. Once you get the material start practicing under test conditions. Try to solve unassigned homework problems and check whether you can finish them in the allotted time for the exam.

3) Practice is important in mathematics. Once you learn to solve problems keep on practicing to make it perfect. But make sure don’t practice blindly, re-check your answers all the time when you solve a problem.

4) Make use of the internet to collect more information. In case if you are not able to get the correct solution, ask help from live math tutor. These online tutors are available 24/7 help to help you.

5) You can form a study group of 3-4 dedicated students. It will help you to clear your doubts and helping other students is the best way to practice mathematics. You can also form a global study group this will help you to get more information about your material. For example, you need statistic help but you are not able to get it so you just need to post your problem globally on any website within a minute you’ll be able to see number of solutions solved in different pattern. This helps you to understand statistic easily and quickly.

6) Mix up the problems from various topics and solve, so that you will learn when to use a specific formula and method.

7) Show all your work. It will help you to re-check the problem.

8) Make up the sheet with all the important formulas and method.

9) Learn time management, which is the most important tool for math test. Many students make these mistakes very often.

10) Revision is the last and most vital tip, spend some time on revision. Revision is more important that learning.