
Thursday, January 29, 2015

5 Quick Steps To Understand Algebra Expression

Algebra is known as another language of mathematics. It is the simplest language in mathematics, which is mostly used in real world situations. Almost all math tutors startup tutoring with algebra as it is a simplest form of mathematics. Algebra expressions are very important to understand.


An algebra expression includes variables, constants and mathematical operations (plus, mines, etc). Algebra expressions are one or more algebraic terms in a phrase.

Below you can find 5 quick and easy ways to understand the algebra expressions.   

Step 1:

To understand an algebraic expression first understands the concepts of variable and constant. These two concepts are the base of the all algebra expressions.

“Letters like x, y, z and a, b, c represent variables in algebra expressions”.

“The terms in algebraic expression that contain only numbers are called constant”

Step 2:

Next important step is, understand the concept of co-efficient and number system. “The coefficients are the number of term with variables”.

For example: 2x^2+2y+7xy+6

Here the coefficient of the first term, second and third term are 2,2 and 7 respectably

Step 3:

An algebra expression can be in the form of words. Understand the translating word into algebra expressions. For examples plus sign (+) can we written in many word form like “the sum of, times, etc”. Learn algebra mathematics vocabulary before you start understanding algebra expressions.

Step 4:

Use P.E.M.D.A.S (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction) method to solve algebraic expressions.  

Step 5:

Combine all like terms “Like terms are those terms which contain the same powers of same variables. They can have different coefficients” and solve the expression.  

Follow these simple steps to understand the algebra expressions. To know more about it click here.