
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Quick Steps To Understand Circle Properties

A circle is a two dimensional figure. In this figure all points are on the same distance from centre. The distance from centre to edge is called the radius of the circle. Diameter is the distance between two sides of the circle that goes through the centre.  Circle is one of the important figure of geometry. Circle has many simple properties which help us in many manner. Many geometry helper starts with circle, according to these mathematician circle is a very easy topic which can be understand in quick steps. Some quick steps are given below, which helps you to understand the circle.

Centre of the circle is the point inside the circle, all other points of the circle are on same distance from the centre.

The distance from centre to any point on the circle is called the radius of the circle. It is half of the diameter.

Diameter is the distance between two sides of the circle that goes through the centre. It is double of the radius.

All round distance of the circle is called circumference.

It is the region which is enclosed by the circle. Area of the circle is also called surface area of the circle.

Chord is a line which link any two pints on circle.

Tangent of a circle is a line that touches the circle exactly at one point.

Secant of a circle is a line that intersect the circle at two points.

These are the basic properties of the circle. To learn more about circle click here