
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Introduction to indefinite integrals

In derivatives we learn about the differentiability of a function on some interval I and if it is differentiable, how to find its unique derivative f’ at each point of I. In application of derivatives we learn that using derivative we can find the slope of the tangent at any point on the curve, we can find the rate of change of one variable with respect to the other. Now let us look at an operation that is inverse to differentiation. For example we know that the derivative of x^5 with respect to x is 5x^4. Suppose the question is like this: derivative of which function is 5x^4 Then it may not be that easy to find the answer. It is a question of inverse operation to differentiation.

The answer to the question: " Whose derivative is a given function f ∫ " is provided by an operation called anti derivation. It is possible that we may not get an answer to this question or we may have more than one answer. For example, (d/dx) (x^4) = 4x^3, (d/dx)(x^4 + 3) = 4x^3 and in general (d/dx)(x^4+C) = 4x^3, where c is some constant.

Definition of integration (integrals): If we can find a function g defined on the interval I such that (d/dx)(g(x)) = f(x), for all x belonging to I, then g(x) is called a primitive or anti derivative or indefinite integral of f(x). It is denoted by ∫ f(x) dx and is called indefinite integral of f(x) with respect to x. The process (operation) of finding g(x), given f(x) is called indefinite integration.

Thus the question when can we find the integral of f cannot be easily answered. There are some sufficient conditions such as, continuous functions and monotonic functions have integrals. Sin x/x is continuous, hence (sin x/x)dx is defined but cannot be expressed as any known elementary function. Similarly, ∫ v(x^3+1) dx and v(csc x) are defined but canoe be expressed as known elementary functions. If anti derivative of f exists, then it is called integrable function.
(1) ∫ f(x) dx means, integral of f(x) with respect to x.
(2) In ) ∫ f(x) dx, f(x) is called the integrand.
(3) In ) ∫ f(x) dx,  …. dx indicates the process of integration with respect to x.

For evaluating indefinite integrals we use the following standard table of indefinite integrals:

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