
Friday, November 23, 2012

Construct angles tutoring

In geometry, we have many constructions of different geometrical shapes, angles,angle bisectors etc, these constructions are really challenging and mind blowing,now let see and the steps of  few constructions of angles.

Constructions of angles can be done by two methods,one by using ruler and compass and another by using protractor. Now we see and understand the steps of angles constructions by using both the methods.

Construct Angle 60' by Two Methods

Construct angle 60' by a ruler and compass.

Construction method I: Draw a convenient line segment AB,keep the compass at A ,draw a semi circle.the semi circle should intersect the line segment AB,then mark the intersect the point as C, then again keep the compass at C,without changing the measurement of the compass draw an arc , which cut the semicircle at the point D.Now join A and D and extend the line.Hence we get angle 60'.

Construction method II:  

In this method we draw a line segment AB and keep the protractor at A ,mark 60' from right to left .Mark the new point as ,C Join AC.Now we get angle 60' using protractor.

Construct Angle 90' by Two Methods

Construct angle 60' by a ruler and compass.

Construction method I:

Draw a line segment AB,draw a semi circle at A,which intersect C,then keep the compass at C draw an arc which intersect the semi circle at D,again with the same measurement keep the compass  at D ,draw one more arc ,which intersect the semi circle at E,do not change the measurement of compass, keep the compass at D and E, cut two more arc's which intersect each other exactly at F, join A and F.The line AF exactly perpendicular to the line segment AB.Hence angle 90' constructed.

Construction method II :

Now in this method, draw a line segment AB keep the protractor at A and mark 90', name as C , join A and C , we get line AC is perpendicular to the line AB. Hence  angle 90' constructed using protractor.

Exercises on Construct Angles

1) Construct angle 120' using ruler and compass.

2) Construct angle 120' using protractor.

3) Construct angles 15' , 30', 45' , 75', 105', 135' using ruler and compass.

4) Construct angles 15' , 30', 45' , 75', 105', 135' using protractor.

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