
Showing posts with label exterior angles polygon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exterior angles polygon. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Exterior Angles in Polygon and Triangle

Exterior Angle
Consider a shape such as square ABCD. Extend the horizontal bottom of the square at the point D up to F. Now we have a vertical line BD and a horizontal line DF joining at the common vertex D. The angle BDF formed between the original side BD of the mathematical shape i.e. square and the extended side DF is termed to be the exterior angle. The angle formed on the inner side of BD is the interior angle BDC.  The sum of the interior angle and the exterior angle formed using the side BD is 180 degrees. This forms a horizontal straight line CF measuring 180 degrees.

A mathematical shape which has straight sides and flat shape is termed to be polygon.

Exterior Angles Polygon
Exterior Angles Polygon definition states that: With one of the angles of the polygon, a linear pair is formed by an angle which is termed as an exterior angle of the polygon.

At every vertex of a polygon, two exterior angles can be formed at the maximum.  Each exterior angle of a polygon is formed in between a side of the polygon and the line extended from its adjacent side.

Finding Exterior Angles of Polygons
We can find the exterior angles formula for polygons. The important point to be noted here is that at each vertex of the polygon, two equal exterior angles can be drawn but the formula for finding the exterior angles of polygon uses only one exterior angle per vertex.

Polygon Exterior Angles Formula:
The polygon exterior angles formula states that the sum of Polygon Exterior Angles is 360 degrees, irrespective of the type of the polygon. In other words, we can say that the sum of all the exterior angles of a polygon is equal to one full revolution.

Sum of one exterior angle of all vertex of any polygon = 360 degrees.

In case of a regular polygon, the formula to find any exterior angle is obtained by dividing the sum of the exterior angles i.e. 360 by the number of angles, say “n”.

The value of an angle of a regular polygon = 360/n

Here are few examples of Hexagon:

Example 1:
Hexagon has 6 sides. Therefore every exterior angle in hexagon = 360/6 = 60 degrees.

Example 2:
The value of an angle of a regular polygon is 30 degrees. How many sides are there in the polygon?
360/n = 30 which can be rewritten as 360 = 30n.
Thus, n is given by dividing 360 by 30 which results in 12.

Exterior Angles Triangle
In case of triangle, exterior angle lies in between one side of the given triangle and the extension of the other side of the same triangle. Exterior Angles of Triangle can be obtained by adding the measures of the two of the non-adjacent interior angles.